Monitor LG 24MR400-B: Full HD IPS de...

    Monitor LG 24MR400-B: Full HD IPS de 23.8"


    $434.783 + IVA 19%
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    El monitor LG 24MR400-B ofrece una experiencia visual excepcional con su pantalla IPS de 23.8" y resolución Full HD (1920x1080). Disfruta de colores vibrantes y claridad en ángulos amplios, ideal para trabajar, jugar y leer cómodamente, gracias a su modo lector que reduce la luz azul.

    El monitor LG 24MR400-B presenta un panel IPS de 60.5 cm (23.8") que proporciona una resolución Full HD de 1920x1080 píxeles, garantizando colores vibrantes y una claridad excepcional desde casi cualquier ángulo. Este monitor es perfecto para tareas cotidianas, ya que su Modo Lector optimiza las condiciones para la lectura al reducir la luz azul, ayudando a disminuir la fatiga ocular, lo que te permite disfrutar de períodos prolongados de uso sin molestias. Además, puedes personalizar tu espacio de trabajo dividiendo la pantalla o ajustando las opciones básicas del monitor con facilidad. Para los gamers, la experiencia de juego es notablemente mejorada gracias a características como Dynamic Action Sync, que reduce el retraso de entrada y proporciona un rendimiento sobresaliente en juegos de alta velocidad. La funcionalidad Black Stabilizer mejora la visibilidad en escenas oscuras, dándote una ventaja competitiva. Asimismo, la función Crosshair permite una precisión superior, indispensable en juegos de disparos en primera persona. Por último, su soporte ergonómico permite ajustar la inclinación de la pantalla para encontrarte en la posición más cómoda durante su uso.

    LG 24MR400-B 605 cm 238 1920 x 1080 pixels Full HD LCD 5 ms Black

    See the quick response of an IPS Display. At 1920x1080 resolution, LG's FHD IPS Display features vibrant color and clarity at wide angles. Work through your projects with ease and efficiency.<br><br>Watch your monitor for longer periods of time. Reader Mode provides optimal conditions for reading by reducing blue light.<br><br>You can customize the workspace by splitting the display or adjusting basic monitor options with just a few mouse clicks.1<br><br>Gamers can experience seamless, fluid movement in high resolution and fast-paced games<br><br>Get a pro-level experience with the closest thing to real-time gaming. Dynamic Action Sync elevates your gameplay so you can respond every moment of the action with reduced input tag and unbelievable performance.<br><br>Light up your gameplay with enhanced vision. Black Stabilizer brightens dark scenes to give you an advantage over the competition—even when they’re hiding in the shadows.<br><br>Crosshair offers an accuracy advantage with center-display crosshairs that provide enhanced vision and precision for increased accuracy in first-person shooter games.<br><br>The ergonomic stand makes it easy to flexibly adjust the tilt of the screen in the optimal position for you. | Computer Monitors

    See the quick response of an IPS Display. At 1920x1080 resolution, LG's FHD IPS Display features vibrant color and clarity at wide angles. Work through your projects with ease and efficiency.<br><br>Watch your monitor for longer periods of time. Reader Mode provides optimal conditions for reading by reducing blue light.<br><br>You can customize the workspace by splitting the display or adjusting basic monitor options with just a few mouse clicks.1<br><br>Gamers can experience seamless, fluid movement in high resolution and fast-paced games<br><br>Get a pro-level experience with the closest thing to real-time gaming. Dynamic Action Sync elevates your gameplay so you can respond every moment of the action with reduced input tag and unbelievable performance.<br><br>Light up your gameplay with enhanced vision. Black Stabilizer brightens dark scenes to give you an advantage over the competition—even when they’re hiding in the shadows.<br><br>Crosshair offers an accuracy advantage with center-display crosshairs that provide enhanced vision and precision for increased accuracy in first-person shooter games.<br><br>The ergonomic stand makes it easy to flexibly adjust the tilt of the screen in the optimal position for you. | Computer Monitors

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